Solutions 4Our product sampling solutions allows us to live up to our company name. It allows us to offer clients FOCUSED marketing directly affecting consumer purchasing habits. Our sampling program is an essential tool in creating and maintaining consumer loyalty and product recognition. Getting your product directly in the hands of consumers acquires new customers as well as prevents existing customers from going to alternate brands. Through our custom sampling program, we help corporations add thousands of new consumers each year. Whether it is getting a new product or initiative off the ground or shoring up customer loyalty and expanding market share, there is no more efficient promotional method as sampling. With our experiences project managers and support team, we at focus premium promotions make sure every dollar invested gets the maximum return possible without waste and inefficiency. While all sampling programs might look the same, our unique process involvs over 20 qualifiers used to create a CUSTOM sampling program for your specific industry. Our qualifiers are used to make sure your custom program performs with optimized effectiveness, ROI, trial rates, audience tracking and much more.

Solutions 5Our 25 years’ experience in the promotional industry afford our clients a turnkey experience while letting them draw on our extensive record of results for peace of mind. From the planning stage to execution, the team at Focus Premium Promotion covers all angles making your sampling program perform at its optimal output.

Other companies can offer you ambitious marketing plans, but without the controls and experience Focus Premium Promotions offer for all our programs, your program is destined for failure. We provide guidance to brand marketers on better sampling program results; assist promotional agencies on maximizing sample marketing returns and help sampling vendors measure the results of their programs. We truly are your one stop expert in sampling programs no matter the industry.

By drawing on our experienced team members, extensively researching industry markets and utilizing hands on analysis, Focus premium Promotion provides cost efficient targeted results. Our sampling programs include but are not limited to direct to professional sampling, initiative sampling, guerilla sampling and event sampling.


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